Do you have a child starting Nursery or Reception in September 2025? We would like to invite you to a Stay & Play session at our fantastic school!


PSHE is the study of physical, social and health education including relationships and health. The aim of PSHE is to give young people the information needed to develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kind and to learn to respect themselves and others. 

At St Michael’s PSHE aims to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society and prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life so they can be good citizens. 

A good citizen is somebody who shows tolerance towards individual liberty by respecting and celebrating the differences of others in their community. A good citizen also shows love, compassion and consideration towards their peers by being kind and helpful to those in need. 

If you have any further questions regarding this subject, please speak to Miss Timerick who is our PSHE Subject Champion. 

Calm Me Time

Jigsaw is the mindfulness approach to PSHE. At the start of every lesson at St Michael’s, we do a ‘Calm Me’ time with the children. This involves calming our minds and bodies and getting ourselves ready for learning. The children really enjoy this. Please find attached below a recording of a ‘Calm Me’ you can do with your children at home.