The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is an organisation set up by the government. Their job is to inspect schools (plus other organisations) to ensure that education for children is up to set standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that children are well looked after and kept safe whilst in school.
Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed here.
We are pleased to share that St Michael’s CE Primary School is a ‘Good’ school!
Ofsted Inspection Criteria | Grading |
The Quality of Education | Good |
Behaviour and Attitudes | Good |
Personal Development | Good |
Leadership and Management | Good |
Early Years Provision | Good |
Ofsted said…
Pupils are happy and feel safe at St. Michael’s. They develop positive relationships with staff and each other.
Teachers have high expectations of pupils’ learning and their behaviour. Pupils rise to these expectations.
Pupils show positive attitudes to learning, lessons are rarely disrupted.
Leaders and teachers encourage pupils to embrace diversity and difference across the community.
Pupils learn to reflect on aspects of faith and equality with sensitivity and respect and describe their school as being ‘a school for everyone.
Pupils like the words ‘aspire’ and ‘courageous’ in the school’s vision because it helps them to be confident when trying new things.