School Logo
The logo is a visual representation of the Christian ethos and theology in which, and through which we want to enable everyone – adults and children, to live and work with courage, so that everyone can flourish.
The hands represent care, support, protection and compassion. We aim for these to be the guaranteed daily experience of everyone in our school, as we travel together on a courageous journey of flourishing as unique individuals.
At the centre is the cross. It represents the Christian foundation of the school which embraces everyone whatever their beliefs, background or circumstances.
The circle represents:
• The all-encompassing love of God
• Community
• Togetherness
• Inclusivity
• A sense of being global citizens who stand up for what is right and just
As the cross rises from the hand, we are reminded of our vision for everyone to be gently enabled to become the person God made them to be, overcoming obstacles, challenges and setbacks with courage and confidence.
The wings that connect with our patronal saint, the Archangel Michael, represent our vision for everyone to flourish; having spiritual and intellectual wings that enable them to take off into the next stages of their life and learning, with courage and confidence to be world changers